Sunday, March 2, 2008

Transformational times

Today in the Times, William Safire of all people brought clarity in my mind as to what this presidential election is about – Transformation. We need transformation right now. It needs to start at the White House and it needs to carry through every aspect of our social economic system – every level of government, every community. As we resist the changes that are taking place around us, we just make our lives and our society that much more difficult. This could not be clearer after 8 years of Bush: Iran, deficit spending, the falling dollar, declining education, diminished position in the world, weakened military, divided populous, increased dependence on foreign sourced petroleum, job losses, recession, etc, etc.

There are times for transformation and other times for steady management: this is a time for transformation. Like Roosevelt, Kennedy/Johnson, and Reagan, Obama is the right leader for our time and it is time for transformation.

It is Mar. 3 and perhaps I should have come out more forcefully earlier. I hope in a couple of days I will be able to join the legions of potential voters who can enthusiastically carry Obama to a victory against McCain.

I think Clinton and McCain are both good people. Either could make a good president. But either would be merely a caretaker while we bumble toward real transformation. Others have made the case better than I can for Obama. I just hope we can transcend issue and fear based politics that Clinton is predictably playing well. Just look at the summary of the last news cycle in the WSJ today

Hillary Clinton told crowds in Ohio Sunday that her campaign is "about solutions," not feelings. Barack Obama said he is tired of questions about his religion and said he was a devout Christian.

Hillary sounds like an IBM salesman while her campaign has successfully forced Obama to respond to fear mongering.

I find it despicable and I wish Clinton and the Democratic party leadership would realize this is not about Hillary, it's about us, it's about the country, and it's about the world. I use to think that my vote, my voice, and a single person, even the president of the United States, mattered little in the scheme of things. But the election in 2000 and the thought of how things might be today if a few people in Florida or Ohio voted differently has changed my mind.

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